About Us

Erica Pharmed was founded in 2019 by an expert, young but well-known team with the support of a well-educated academic team
Erica Pharmed was founded in 2019 by an expert, young but well-known team with the support of a well-educated academic team. Erica Pharmed is becoming a key player in different health-related sections (import, regulatory, medical & amp; marketing, distribution, and sales, …). We do our best to focus on research and development to provide patients with the best portfolio of products

Our Services

All the activities of Erica Pharmed company serve to fill the existing gap between pharmaceutical companies and patients as well as physicians seeking access to newer and more efficient treatment options. Our extensive communication network affords pharmaceutical companies to implement their branding, marketing, and sales programs in an integrated, targeted, and patient- centered manner.

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Pharmaceutical products marketing and sales


Importing of Pharmaceutical API & Finished products


Production of Hazard Medicines


Production of Human Supplement


Production of Pharmaceutical API

Our goal at Erica Pharmed is clear: Improvement of the patients' quality of life by facilitating access to medicines and new treatments throughout the country. Erica Pharmed is constantly trying to provide the finest solutions to overcome the challenges and obstacles in the path of patients’ access to high-quality and reliable medicines and treatment.


The aim of the young and tireless team of Erica Pharmed is to facilitate the access of patients to medications and innovative treatments with a continuous and creative fore-sighting effort, to create more effectiveness in the healthcare system of the country.

Our Vision

To be among the top three pharmaceutical leaders (providing full-package services including registration, importation, sales and marketing) within the next five years to become the most regulated trusted partner in Iran for multinational companies providing unique services within the next five years.

Our Mission

To create a unified working process that provides our patients with early access to the safest and most cost-effective medication to strive for business excellence in Iran emerging market through development of a much more expert team.

Our Partners